Thursday, September 11, 2008

CIENCIA: EXPERIMENTO DEL AÑO (¿o SIGLO o MILENIO?): Ginebra, Suiza: CERN: Inician pruebas con el LHC / Gran Colisionador de Hadrones

Tomado de:
Muela Meza, Zapopan Martín. (2008). "CIENCIA: EXPERIMENTO DEL AÑO (¿o SIGLO o MILENIO?): Ginebra, Suiza: CERN: LHC / Gran Colisionador de Hadrones; Entrevista a Peter Higgs: el hombre detras de la "particula de Dios" o boson de Higgs." En: Biblio-Info-Sociedad 2, 11 septiembre. [En linea] . [Accesado 11 septiembre 2008].


una breve capsula cientifica:

La OMS establecio el 10 de septiembre como el Dia Mundial para la Prevencion del Suicidio, pero no se sabe si por tal dia o por problemas gravisimos ya añejos pero una jovencita (segun menciona la prensa mas bien amarillista) de 17 de la India se suicidio dicho 10.09.08 al ver las noticias de las primeras pruebas con el Gran Colisionador de Hadrones --estados compuestos de quarks u otras particulas infinitesimales de materia cosmica-- (LHC)  para comprobar o invalidar las hipotesis de las particulas infinitesimales que habrian creado el big bang o la primera gran explosion del origen del universo. Tambien ante la misma noticia, como regularmente sucede, varias sectas religiosas fanaticas alrededor del mundo han vuelto a vaticinar al mero estilo charlatan de Nostradamus "el fin del mundo" si lograsemos encontrar una evidencia de cual fue "la particula de Dios" o la particula primigenia madre de la que se derivaron las demas en una hipotetico-experimental emulacion de la gran explosion originaria del origen del universo. Lo cierto es que a varias horas de ocurrida la primera prueba el mundo sigue existiendo y yo en ello o ello en mi :-)

Pero suceda lo que suceda con las maquinas humanas y sus experimentos y consecuencias, no hay motivos para la paranoia (y mucho menos para "cortarse las venas" porque se hagan experimentos o por ninguna otra razon... digo ninguna otra fuera de la eutanasia cuando tengamos unos 100 o 110 o 130 años :-) ). Lo que si es que aca los que  andamos ahi inteligiendole x ahi en el mundo de la informacion documental tendremos mucho material de que hablar en las proximas semanas, meses, años y decadas por las vastas implicaciones que tendran el poder acopiar, organizar, y diseminar pertinente, eficaz y eficientemente ya no gigas, sino tera, peta, exa, zetta y yotta-bitios de informacion en las instituciones de informacion documental del mundo; la creacion de la world wide grid que seguramente se validaria su implementacion u otras mas si se encontrara dicha particula de Higgs en este experimento. Siendo CERN, el Centro Europeo de la Energia Nuclear, el pionero de dicho LHC (tal vez "ganandole" la partida al similar Fermilab de USA), y como ya Tim Bernes-lee, del CERN, nos regalo la Web hace algunos años, pues esperamos beneficios similares, world wide grid o como le llamen. Pero no nos alarmemos, aun y llegando a los yotta-bytes, aun con todo tenemos la tarea pendiente de Hans Christian von Baeyer de empezar a darle significado a los yotta-bitios de informacion que ya se les empieza a llamar q-bits (bitios de quanta o cuantas o bitios cuanticos) y no solo basura, que aunque bien matematizada y teorizada por Claude Shannon no evito que su teoria matematica de la informacion diera paso a la acumulacion de basura electronica. Por lo que no nos preocupemos, ni alarmemos, seguiremos seleccionando pertinentes giga o tera-bitios de informacion documental para nuestros usuarios de informacion documental y mandando yotta-bitios de basura al lugar que le corresponde (seguiremos siendo los Wallies de pixar ahora diz que "post-modernos" del semper crescendo basurero de yotta-bitios o las nuevas nomenclaturas que inventemos cuando ya le lleguemos al tope). Ademas siendo cosas humanas, son humanamente comprensibles, no hay nada de que alarmarnos. Aun con todo... "hay espacio de sobra en el fondo " nos recordaria Feynman... y si no luego le seguimos con Marte o con el que se deje o podamos... :-)))) el limite es el cielo de los infinitos planetas y universos por descubrir.............

Asi es que no hay motivos para paranoias, basta estar estar pertinentemente informados aunque sea un poco... asi, pues no esta demas informarnos un poco sobre que rollo con esto del experimento del Gran Colisionador de Hadrones del CERN, su camarita digital de 12, 500 toneladas de 100 millones de pixels que toma fotos a 40 millones de veces x segundo en 3D y bueno todo lo demas que se pueda, donde incluso la mentada Web2 o Internet2, no hace sino verse como una chiquillada...

los caminos de la Ciencia Humana son muy sencillos de entender y seguir cuando nos acercamos a ella, y cuanto mas abierta y disponible este para todos, cuanto mas sencillos seran de aprender y entender...

comics, el LHC o Gran Colisionador de Hadrones explicado para niños: 

primeras fotos:


y a proposito del CERN chequense unas fotitos de cuando anduve de rol ahi y en Ginebra en el primer taller del equipo E-LIS en 2005:

saludos cordiales y disfruten sus info-collisiones cognitivas :-)))

Prof. Zapopan Muela

y va mas info abajo:
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From: Zapopan Martín Muela Meza <>
Date: Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 2:47 AM
Subject: Geneve: CERN: LHC: Interview: Peter Higgs: The man behind the 'God particle'
To: Zapopan Martín Muela Meza <>

Interview: The man behind the 'God particle'

  • 10 September 2008
  • From New Scientist Print Edition. Subscribe and get 4 free issues.
  • Ian Sample
Peter Higgs (Image: Murdo Macleod)
Peter Higgs (Image: Murdo Macleod)

It is more than four decades since Peter Higgspredicted the existence of the particle that now carries his name. As the latest, $9 billion search for the Higgs boson gets under way, Ian Samplemanaged to track down this unassuming physicist to find out how he will feel when he is finally proved right - or wrong

BY THE age of 79, most scientists have put aside the stresses of working life and settled into quiet retirement. For theoretical physicist Peter Higgs, the chance would be a fine thing. With the world's most powerful particle accelerator about to be switched onat the CERN nuclear physics lab near Geneva, Switzerland, Higgs has become one of the media's most wanted.

The attention is hardly unexpected. More than 40 years ago, Higgs predicted the existence of a particle that has proved as elusive as it is profound. The Higgs boson helps explain the origin of mass for some of the fundamental building blocks of matter. To the popular press it is the God particle, which the $9 billion Large Hadron Collider(LHC) at CERN was built to discover. If the quest succeeds, many suspect Higgs will be rewarded with a summons to Stockholm.

Higgs, now emeritus professor of physics at the University of Edinburgh in the UK, is often portrayed as a reclusive genius. Yet when I met him at his apartment in the city, where neat piles of science magazines cover the coffee table, and box sets of classical records sit on shelves alongside art books and figurines, it quickly became clear that this is a clumsy stereotype. To protect himself from a barrage of media calls he rarely answers the phone, and he doesn't have a computer - a reaction against the old "cash register"-style machines he ran calculations on during his student days. And while he achieved international recognition for his work in the 1960s - wrong-footing some of the finest minds in physics in the process - he later found he was unable to keep up with the field and eventually cut his losses and moved on.

In conversation Higgs, who has two children - Chris, a computer scientist, and Jonny, a jazz musician - is affable and verges on the self-deprecating, as eager to emphasise what he didn't do as much as what he did. He is unerringly precise, recalling the dates and discussions of meetings years ago as if they were yesterday. And he is still very much involved with physics, attending conferences and meeting up with former colleagues and students.

Higgs made his name with a series of papers, beginning in 1964, which predicted the existence of an energetic field pervading the universe which drags on particles that interact with it, endowing otherwise massless particles with mass. The field, which is thought to have switched on when the universe was just one 10-billionth of a second old, has an associated particle, the Higgs boson.

At first most physicists dismissed the idea. Higgs had reached his conclusions using quantum field theory, which others had written off as outdated. Several heavyweight groups insisted they could prove him wrong. "Most of my colleagues thought I was an idiot for sticking with quantum field theory, but I stuck with it because I didn't believe it was as dead as they claimed," he says. "It turned out to be the most important thing I'd done, perhaps the only important thing I'd done."

He was convinced that his work was sound, but was unclear what it meant for particle physics. Only in the late 1960s, after Higgs had completed a lecture tour of the US, did Steven Weinberg at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Abdus Salam at Imperial College London put the theory to good use - to lay down the first building block of the standard model of particle physics by unifying the electromagnetic and weak forces, two of the universe's four fundamental forces.

From early on, the authorship of the idea behind what we now call the Higgs boson has been controversial. In Belgium, Robert Brout and François Englert had developed a similar idea via a different route, as had a transatlantic trio of Tom Kibble at Imperial College London and two Americans, Gerald Guralnik and Richard Hagen. The Nobel prizewinner Philip Anderson at Princeton University also claims to have "invented" the Higgs boson in 1962.

Higgs says the first he knew of the particle having acquired his name was after a conference at Fermilab in Batavia, Illinois, in 1972. He heard from a colleague that the name "Higgs" had been attached to almost everything to do with theories of mass generation by the conference rapporteur, prominent physicist Ben Lee. "I have to accept that," Higgs says. "I think I was first to draw attention to the particle associated with it, and I go around pointing out that nothing else in this kind of theory was mine or mine alone." What Higgs does object to is the label "God particle". Though himself an atheist, he worries that the title "might offend people who are religious".

The Fermilab conference cemented Higgs's position on the world stage, but privately he was struggling and the success was not enough to push him to develop the idea further. "There was a problem for me when the bandwagon started to roll in 1972. Because I'd written an influential paper, people tended to assume I understood far more about the subsequent theory than I did and I found it increasingly hard to keep up. There were personal issues involved in that too. The same year, my wife and I broke up, though we got back together on friendly terms later, so while the news from the conference at Fermilab was good for my morale, I wasn't in a good state for getting involved with the detailed theoretical work that followed."

Instead, he changed the focus of his work to the field of supersymmetry, but later found that tough going too. "I realised the only people who were producing anything that was worth doing was the generation that had just got their PhDs. After some years, I gave up. I was sad about it. If I'd done more maths at university I might have had the right background to do it."

Though Higgs was no longer a major player in the field, instead devoting time to teaching and supervising, he closely followed the hunt for his particle at CERN and Fermilab. Along the way, he became anxious at what he sees as scientists overselling the need to find the Higgs. In 2000, his fears were realised when CERN's previous collider, the Large Electron-Positron Collider (LEP), was shut down before finding the Higgs, prompting the headline: "God particle disappears down £6bn drain" in The Times of London. "It was a comeuppance for people who'd oversold the machine on something it might not find," says Higgs, "and people are still doing that now."

There are plenty of theories describing what the Higgs boson will look like. Higgs himself suspects it might turn out to be a number of supersymmetric composite particles, rather than a single irreducible one. That would be the first major success to take physics beyond the confines of the standard model and raise hopes of finally paring down the unwieldy set of competing models known as string theory, which many physicists see as a route to an all-encompassing theory of the universe. "I sit somewhere in the middle on string theory, between those who think it's the answer to everything and those who write it off completely. Superstring theories have turned out to contain far more than we need for our present universe and that's the embarrassment of it. I wonder if one day someone will find an intermediate theory that does the job in a better way."

Earlier this year, Higgs visited CERN for the first proper visit since 1979, and like almost everyone who has seen the LHC he was impressed by its sheer scale. How confident is he that the machine will find his particle? "What I suspect will happen is that the signal will be there in the LHC data, but it will take a couple of years to recognise it, because it's a formidable problem of data analysis. Equally it may be already in Fermilab's data," he says. "If they do find it, it'll be a relief."

But what if the Higgs boson is not detected, or Higgs's theory is proved wrong? "I'll be very surprised if they don't find it. If someone shows it's wrong, I'll be rather sad but also very puzzled," he says. "Then I suppose my life will go a little quiet, I shan't be pestered so much."

The LHC is scheduled to run for at least 20 years, but Higgs says funds for its planned successor, the International Linear Collider, need to be put in place now to ensure it will be ready to take over. He urges scientists not to repeat the mistakes of the past by overselling it as a machine destined to find definite answers to the remaining mysteries of the universe.

As the world waits for the first particles to be smashed together at the LHC, one thing is for sure: Higgs is likely to have a lot more phone calls to ignore.

The Large Hadron Collider - find out more about the world's biggest experiment in our cutting-edgespecial report.

Quantum World - Learn more about a weird world in our comprehensive special report.


Peter Higgs was born in 1929 in Newcastle upon Tyne, north-east England, and won a PhD in molecular physics at King's College London in 1954. He taught at University College London and the University of Edinburgh, where he was professor of theoretical physics from 1980 to 1996. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1983 and was awarded the Dirac medal and prize in 1997. In 2004, he was awarded the Wolf prize alongside Robert Brout and François Englert for pioneering work on mass generation.

From issue 2673 of New Scientist magazine, 10 September 2008, page 44-45
Printed on Thu Sep 11 08:45:05 BST 2008

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Large Hadron Collider LHC.jpg

Large Hadron Collider: The wait is over

  • 27 August 2008
  • From New Scientist Print Edition. Subscribe and get 4 free issues.
  • Matthew Chalmers

Find out how the LHC was built

"I WILL probably cry when we see the first collision," says Bilge Demirköz. After spending the best part of a decade designing detectors and writing computer code for them, the 28-year-old physicist is yet to get her hands on real data. That's about to change. In a matter of weeks, the Large Hadron Collider at the CERN laboratory near Geneva, Switzerland, will begin amassing enough data to keep physicists off the streets for decades.

It's an emotional time for Demirköz and thousands of others who have devoted the past few years of their lives to a machine that will change our understanding of reality. The LHC is the daddy of all particle accelerators. Its collisions will generate seven times the energy of its most powerful rival, the Tevatronat Fermilab in Batavia, Illinois. By smashing together protons travelling just shy of the speed of light, the LHC will generate the largest concentration of energy ever seen in the lab - albeit in a region just billionths of the width of a speck of dust.

Smashing particles together is a tried-and-tested way of revealing what matter is ultimately made from, and what holds it together. Ernest Rutherford scored the first success nearly 100 years ago when he revealed the structure of the atom. Since then, physicists have been using accelerators to whip particles up to ever higher energies to explore even deeper into matter. At the highest energies, matter is smashed to smithereens, leaving behind fragments and energy that transform themselves into types of particles never seen before.

The LHC's microscopic fireball is the closest we can get to recreating conditions last seen less than a trillionth of a second after the big bang, when the particles and forces that shape today's universe began to emerge. The higher the collision energy, the more massive the particles created in the debris. So a host of hitherto unseen particles could materialise from the firestorm, providing physicists with important new leads in the quest to unite all the forces of nature, including gravity, into one "theory of everything".

The LHC might help us to finally crack what are arguably the biggest mysteries in physics, starting with the origin of mass and the disappearance of antimatter. It could reveal what makes up the majority of matter in the universe, the so-called dark matter that is invisible to our telescopes. And it might tell us about the very nature of space-time itself. Do extra dimensions of space exist in addition to the three we live in? Are there mini-black holes? The LHC is more than a machine. It is the intellectual quest of our age.

On 10 September the protons are set to make the first of the 11,000 or so laps they'll complete each second around the LHC's 27-kilometre ring (see diagram). Eventually proton beams travelling in the opposite direction will meet them head-on at four points in the ring where giant detectors - ATLAS,CMSALICE and LHCb - have been built to pore over the particle wreckage.

The universe won't be giving up its secrets to the LHC straight away, however. For a start, it will take two months just to get the proton beams colliding. Then, depending on how optimistic you are, physicists potentially face a five to 10-year slog before they know for sure whether the effort has paid off.

If nature is kind, and possibly a bit weird, the LHC will create particles we have never seen before within minutes of smashing its first protons. Finding those particles, however, is a different story. Most elementary particles fleet in and out of existence in less than a trillionth of a second, while some can pass through tens of metres of detector as if it wasn't there.

To be sure that what they're seeing is something new and not some familiar particle that blazes a similar trail, physicists will have to search the LHC's collisions for as many copies as possible. And that will take time.

In fact it could take years for CERN to announce a major discovery, especially when it comes to the Higgs boson - the earthly face of the mechanism thought to give particles their mass, and the main motivation for building the LHC in the first place. With luck, however, today's physics textbooks will start to look out of date by the end of 2009.

From day one, researchers will be scouring their detectors for distinctive patterns of energy and charge that scream "new physics". Realistically, though, they won't collect enough data in the first few months to be able to claim a discovery. What's more, no sensible scientist is going to announce a discovery until they are confident that they understand every last millimetre of their massively complex detectors.

Instead they will use this year's data - taken with a "warm-up" collision energy of 10 teraelectronvolts (TeV) - to calibrate their detectors. Then, after the machine has shut down over the New Year, they will be ready by March 2009 to pack even more protons into the beams and ramp them up to the maximum collision energy of 14 TeV.

The LHC is exploring uncharted waters and no one knows what it will throw up first. Studies suggest that the first major discovery could be confirmation of a theory called supersymmetry (SUSY), theorists' best hope for building a deeper fundamental theory of particles and forces.

SUSY predicts that all known particles have a heavier "superpartner", and that's what physicists will be hunting for in their data. "Finding evidence for SUSY would be a great intellectual triumph, given that these ideas were conceived of 30 years ago for their intrinsic theoretical beauty," says Albert De Roeck, who leads the search for new physics at the CMS experiment. What's more, the lightest of the proposed supersymmetric particles is a candidate for dark matter - an invisible entity that appears to outweigh normal matter by a factor of five.

If superpartners exist and weigh less than about 1 TeV, as the simplest versions of supersymmetry predict, then the LHC should produce them by the hundred next year. "It's a damn difficult analysis, but if SUSY exists then claiming a discovery in 2009 is absolutely our target," says Oliver Buchmüller of the CMS experiment. "If you've built a $10 billion machine you're allowed to be optimistic."

Optimism is an apt word, because researchers hunting for supersymmetric particles will be looking for the invisible. The lightest supersymmetric particle, into which the heavier ones decay, interacts so weakly with matter that it will fly straight out of the detectors, carrying energy and momentum with it. Physicists will look for this missing energy as a possible sign of supersymmetry. Yet things aren't even that simple. Tiny gaps between the thousands of segments in the giant detectors or a few broken electronic connections could conjure the illusion of a Nobel prize-worthy discovery.

Even if missing energy is genuinely detected, there will be no guarantee that it is due to supersymmetry. Missing energy could also be a sign that a particle has disappeared into an extra dimension, taking its energy with it. To tell these scenarios apart, researchers will have to measure the "spin" of the mystery object, which will require yet more data and further painstaking analysis.

Help could come from an unexpected corner. This time next year, just as researchers on the multi-purpose experiments ATLAS and CMS are getting to know their apparatus and competing hard to discover superpartners and other new particles, a smaller detector called LHCb could offer some important clues.

LHCb has been designed to take exquisitely detailed measurements of particles called B mesons, which have been studied at other accelerators. B mesons exist for a fleeting moment before decaying into lighter particles. SUSY might infiltrate this process and subtly change the B meson's properties. So by scrutinising vast numbers of them and comparing their properties with theoretical models, LHCb might be able to infer the existence of particles that are far too heavy to be produced directly at the LHC.

Unfinished business

Supersymmetry and extra dimensions are all very well, but the LHC's primary goal concerns unfinished business with the standard model of particle physics, our best understanding to date of matter and forces. The theory is built on the well-tested idea that the electromagnetic and weak forces are united at high energies, as they were in the very early universe as the electroweak force. But this only holds if all particles are massless - which is obviously not the case today. The Higgs boson is associated with the process thought to break the electroweak force and give rise to particle masses.

The chances of finding the Higgs depend on how heavy it is - something the standard model does not predict. Some clues come from previous experiments, though. No Higgs bosons showed up at the Large Electron Positron collider, which once occupied the same tunnel as the LHC, and so physicists have ruled out a Higgs weighing less than 114 gigaelectronvolts (GeV). And earlier this month, researchers at the Tevatron excluded a Higgs with a mass of exactly 170 GeV.

A heavy Higgs in the range 140 to 500 GeV could turn up sooner than a lighter one - perhaps by late 2009. That's because a hefty Higgs would be heavy enough to decay into relatively massive particles called W and Z bosons, which would stand out against the profusion of other particles.

Spotting a lighter Higgs would be much trickier. Fewer of them are expected to be produced and there are many more lookalike processes to worry about. Physicists will probably need to wait until 2011 to be confident of the discovery of a 120 GeV Higgs, and a further year if it's as light as 115 GeV. By then it is possible that the Tevatron will have bagged a few Higgs bosons of its own, though not enough to claim outright discovery.

With some luck, by late 2010 physicists could find themselves in a playground of Higgs and supersymmetric particles, finally understanding the origin of mass and the nature of dark matter. Meanwhile, the LHC should be well on its way to reaching its design performance, perhaps producing mini-black holes by the thousand and putting other exotic theoretical ideas through their paces.

Or the story could turn out horribly different. "The nightmare scenario is no Higgs, no supersymmetry, no anything apart from known particles," says Chiara Mariotti, co-leader of the search for the Higgs on CMS. "That would mean rethinking everything from scratch." It would also turn a planned LHC upgrade in 2012 - which will allow 10 times as many collisions and enable particles with masses up to about 6 TeV to be discovered - into a desperate last bid to stop the LHC from being the last high-energy particle collider ever built. "Some theorists say this would be interesting," says De Roeck. "But it's a horror scenario for experimentalists and we'd probably never listen to theorists again."

It's an extremely unlikely outcome, though. Without the Higgs or something else new kicking in around 1 TeV, the standard model would have fallen apart long before now and, despite its shortcomings, it has been remarkably successful so far. That "something else" may not be a crowd pleaser like the Higgs and it could take years to fathom out, but the LHC will still have done its job.

Beyond that, anything is a bonus. While the theoretical ground for supersymmetry is rock solid, there are no experimental hints that it exists - unlike with the Higgs. Other phenomena are on much weaker foundations. "If you soberly ask the people who work on it, they say that they would be astounded if baby black holes or extra dimensions ever showed up," says theorist Ben Allanach at the University of Cambridge.

Particle physicists are about to enter the unknown using the most complex instrument ever built. Despite their sales talk, most secretly hope that something totally unexpected happens as soon as the collisions begin. With at least 6000 individuals vying to get their names attached to a discovery, rumours about the findings are sure to be headlines before long.

The wait is almost over. Beliefs and wish-lists will soon be safely stowed. It's time to see what nature is really made of.

The Large Hadron Collider - find out more about the world's biggest experiment in our cutting-edgespecial report.

From issue 2671 of New Scientist magazine, 27 August 2008, page 26-30
Printed on Thu Sep 11 08:28:42 BST 2008